Your help is needed.
We must try and change this decision.
522 libraries (462 buildings and 60 mobiles) are currently under threat of losing funding out of 4517 in the UK. Cuts of this magnitude could do lasting damage to the public library service.
We need our libraries because:
• they are a community resource and meeting place and promote social cohesion
• libraries provide books and other resources free to people on low incomes and the elderly
• children who visit the library are twice as likely to read well as those who don’t
• children who are read to every day at age three have a vocabulary at five two months more advanced than those who do not
• 30% of UK citizens do not have access to the Internet. Public libraries provide it free of charge
• three million people lack adequate reading skills. Libraries can help them access education and work
• librarians provide expert support to the public
• the OECD says that finding ways to engage pupils in reading is one of the most effective ways to leverage social change.
Please write to your MP and tell them to support this campaign.
Don’t know who your MP is, or how to contact him/her?
Go to www.writetothem.com, put in your postcode and you will be given the names of – and contact details for – your MP, Councillors, MSPs or AMs.
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