It’s very difficult to talk about a project that isn't allowed to be revealed in the public forum, but over the next few months, until it’s officially announced in December, I shall tell you what I can.
The process of securing the rights for this project took only a matter of weeks, really, such was the level of trust between the licence owner and I (and my publisher). You see, this property we now have the exclusive rights to is something very important to a lot of people, my publisher and me included, and we know how important it is to get this right.
And yet, in spite of the sheer weight of responsibility on us to get this right, we just knew we can do it. In some ways it feels like we were born to make this happen. Will it be hard work? You betcha. Will we be taking it seriously? You betcha. Will we be having fun? Abso-fracking-lutely!
My first task was to assemble a team of authors, who would normally have much more freedom, but this being the opening gambit, I had to set up a very specific shopping list for each of the first four books. Fortunately, this list proved to be another fun enticement for the authors who have joined us at this early stage of the project. With this part now completed, it’s become a case of writing the first batch of books. I’m writing the first, which I can reveal the title of: The Forgotten Son.
By the time of the official announcement the plan is to have the first three books, at least, in the bag. We’ve started talking about the style of covers, and I have to say it’s going to be very exciting. We’ve talked about the tone of the series, and likened it to Adam Adamant Lives! meets The Avengerswith a dash of Danger Man thrown in for good measure. We even have two (maybe three) different phases in mind for the series, three distinct periods in which to set it and utilising the same characters. What does all this mean? Well, obviously I cannot possibly explain any more than I have, but when all is revealed it will make perfect sense.
For now it’s time to start proper work on The Forgotten Son. Already Phil Raymond is feeling a chill in the air while he walks near Golitha Falls in Cornwall, and he’s not sure it’s the weather he feels…
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