Wednesday 3 July 2013


There’s a new face in the field of astronomy – Marc Read.

Marc’s passion and enthusiasm for the subject has spurred the publication of his first book New Stars for Old. Providing fictional accounts of the lives of some of the most prominent figures in astronomy as they make their factual discoveries, this title will be released by award-winning publisher Candy Jar Books on July 9th.

In a colourful attempt to remind us all that science is done by real people, Marc Read lifts the lid on the private lives of Aristotle, Galileo and Sir Isaac Newton along with many others, and explores the way in which human influences have shaped science.

Marc, who currently teaches at the Royal Grammar School, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, says: “We’re very used to the idea that when we think about art or architecture, we should learn a bit about the person who created the work. Why not science, too?”

From this challenging viewpoint, twenty short stories emerge, illuminating the worries of Ptolemy, and Aristotle’s unusual domestic situation, which shaped their efforts to make sense of the universe.

He continues: “The idea initially materialised as a series of one-act plays, but after writing a handful of them, I realised that short stories would be a much more suitable form.

He continues: “The idea initially materialised as a series of one-act plays, but after writing a handful of them, I realised that short stories would be a much more suitable form.
The historical context of New Stars for Old is drawn from Marc’s PhD in History and Philosophy of Science. Given its strong academic roots, it comes as no great surprise that this book has an educational slant. Yet Marc strikes a healthy balance between fact and fiction, succeeding in entertaining his readers, not boring them.
In spite of his extensive research, there is still a lot of room for speculation. Marc says: "Whilst much astronomical writing has survived from this period, people weren’t in the habit of keeping diaries in those days."

Consequently many of the details in New Stars for Old are fictional. Yet this is almost undetectable, as Marc skilfully weaves fact with fiction to create a believable historical narrative.

New Stars for Old is a surprisingly light and enjoyable read which encapsulates the concept of science as an ever-changing entity. It can be pre-ordered here.

Megan Jones

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