Tuesday, 14 August 2012


Candy Jar has joined forces with 'FibonARTcci’ to assist with this ambitious art installation project.

Beginning in Cardiff, the 'The FibonARTcci Project’ took an aerial photo of 144 people in Sophia Gardens. The organisers now plan to travel the world photographing hundreds of thousands of people, until it reaches the Nevada Desert – where a satellite will take a single photograph of just over a million people.

Based on the mathematical Fibonacci sequence, this ambitious art installation will feature thirty-one separate aerial photographs of thousands of people standing in triangle formations – ultimately creating a spiral of colour.

Peter Symonds, an outdoor pursuits instructor from Cardiff, is excited to be launching this ambitious project in the world’s youngest capital city. He said: “I want to take the FibonARTcci Project around the world and photograph all kinds of people, from as many diverse cultures as we can. Not only is this going to be the biggest photograph of all time, it will also be the largest gathering of humans ever seen in a portrait image. It will be a truly international piece of art.”

Councillor Cerys Furlong, The Chair of Cardiff Council, accepted an invitation to participate. Her prestigious image No 2 is a very high profile photograph, as there are only two single image portrait photographs in the entire project. Councillor Furlong said: “I am really excited that the 'The FibonARTcci Project is keeping Wales firmly on the Map. As the project gets bigger and bigger, it will be gratifying to think that it started in our wonderful capital city.”

To watch a video about the project click below.

Peter Symonds spoke to Roy Noble on Radio Wales recently about the project. You can listen to the show here.

For video production in Cardiff visit www.candyjarfilms.co.uk

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